Friday, October 24, 2008

Tears of joy and thanks

So today with the generosity of my dear Frater, the Saturn got a new radiator. I literally was crying tears of joy when I got home. It may be hard to understand, but if you have ever nursed a car it is a glorious feeling when gets better :) Besides the good Frater there were a host of other spirits in league with this plan. The boys, a few archangels, some gnomes and others were all involved in keeping her going.

The picture above is from Men in Black, when he is talking with the little aliens. When I walked in the door I gave a hearty thank you to all involved and while not exactly the same thing
, I heard a similar chorus of "Your welcome". Somehow the image of all the little aliens living in the locker just popped into my head.

Wheee!! I am so excited.

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