Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pardon the interuption

It has been a long month of go go go. I am more of a work horse than a race horse. I don't do go really fast all the time well. So this weekend it hit me. Bang! It was a full system shut down. I just kind of starting napping on Saturday and it went from there. Here it is Sunday afternoon and I have little to show for my weekend efforts.

I forget that I need down time until my body literally forces me to take it. This weekend was that issue in technicolor.

Despite being a couch spud for most of the weekend, we did get the enochian temple put up for a bit. Don't get me wrong I love the temple, but it has its own ways and after a very long set up it starts to adjust in odd ways. I suspect that the carpet insulation allows it to climb a few metaphorical and astral ladders. In that process it can do all sorts of odd things. So as we broke it down we had to find suitable storage options.

Since there are some rather large pieces to consider, the storage alone can become exciting. We have suitable but not ideal options going right now. My long term goal is to get a series of stackable wooden trunks for all of our tools. Until them, form will follow function and we will carry on the best we can :)

Well off to the jacuzzi and then to start working on potting up some plants while it is still cool enough to avoid them getting shocky. Enjoy your universe!

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